
Daily Newspaper Simplified 16-07-2024

16 July, 2024 Daily Current Affairs


GS Paper 2: International Relations - Covers regional groupings and agreements involving India, and their impact on India's interests.


BIMSTEC (Bay of Bengal Initiative for Multi-Sectoral Technical and Economic Cooperation) has gained increased importance in the South Asian context due to recent developments.

Key Developments Enhancing BIMSTEC's Importance:

Shifting Influence in the Region:

India's influence in the region is experiencing changes.

China's growing role as a significant global player is contributing to this shift.

Countries such as Bangladesh and Bhutan are exploring relationships with China for mutual benefits.

SAARC's Progress:

SAARC (South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation) has faced challenges in advancing due to differing perspectives among its members.

This situation has provided an impetus for India to focus on BIMSTEC.

BIMSTEC (Bay of Bengal Initiative for Multi-Sectoral Technical and Economic Cooperation)


Established: 1997 by signing the Bangkok Declaration.

Members: Bangladesh, India, Sri Lanka, Thailand, Myanmar, Nepal, Bhutan.

Headquarters: Dhaka, Bangladesh.

Principles: Sovereign equality, territorial integrity, political independence, non-interference in internal affairs, peaceful co-existence.

Focus Areas


Environment and Climate Change


Agriculture and Food Security

People-to-People Contact

Science, Technology, and Innovation


Economic Impact

Combined GDP: USD 4.5 trillion in 2022 (4.5% of global GDP).

Significance for India

Regional Cooperation: Integrates with Neighbourhood First and Act East policies.

Geostrategic Importance: Secures communication lines in the Bay of Bengal and boosts trade.

Security: Supports SAGAR vision, strengthening maritime cooperation in the IOR.

Alternative to SAARC: Addresses SAARC’s deficiencies, providing a meaningful platform for regional cooperation.


Implementation Inertia: Slow progress on initiatives and agreements.

Irregular Summits: Planned biennial meetings inconsistently held.

Project Stalling: BBIN Motor Vehicles Agreement delays affect connectivity and economic cooperation.

BIMSTEC Foreign Ministers' Retreat

Date & Location: Held on 17 July 2023 in Bangkok, Thailand, with Thailand as the current chair.

Purpose: Provided an informal setting for BIMSTEC Foreign Ministers to discuss cooperation in security, connectivity, trade, investment, and people-to-people contacts.

Significance: Aimed to enhance collaboration in the Bay of Bengal region and its littoral areas.

Previous Meeting: Last met in a similar format in Bangkok in July 2022.

Future Event: Thailand will host the annual BIMSTEC summit later this year

Opportunities for Deepening Cooperation:

Direct Communication:

The retreat allowed for direct communication among leaders, facilitating discussions on enhancing trade and connectivity.

Shared Goals:

Emphasis on capacity building and economic cooperation, which are seen as increasingly important.

The complementary nature of member states helps in addressing issues and boosting trade within the bloc.

Key Discussions and Outcomes:

Myanmar's Situation:

Jaishankar discussed the importance of returning to democratic governance in Myanmar with Myanmar's Foreign Minister U Than Shwe.

Addressed the issue of Indians detained in Myawaddy town related to cyber scams.

Discussed concerns about illegal narcotics, arms trade, and insurgent activities along the Indo-Myanmar border.

Impact on India's Act East Policy:

The situation in Myanmar has impacted India's Act East policy, aimed at establishing land connectivity with Southeast Asian nations.

Reviving this policy is seen as beneficial for opening up India's Northeast region, offering economic opportunities for this area.


The BIMSTEC retreat in New Delhi represented an important effort to enhance the bloc's role in regional cooperation.

The retreat underscored BIMSTEC's potential to improve trade, connectivity, and address shared concerns among member states, highlighting the strategic value of collaboration in the Bay of Bengal region.

TOPIC- 2 125th Amendment Bill, 2019


Proposed Sixth Schedule Amendments

Introduction of Village and Municipal Councils alongside District and Regional Councils.

District Councils empowered to legislate on formation, composition, and delimitation of constituencies of Village and Municipal Councils.

Devolution of powers to Village and Municipal Councils through rules framed by the Governor.

Establishment of State Finance Commission to review financial positions and recommend tax distribution and grants-in-aid.

Conduct of elections to all councils by a State Election Commission.

Governor empowered to make rules for disqualification of council members, including on grounds of defection.

6th Schedule

Origin: Established for predominantly tribal areas of undivided Assam under the Government of India Act, 1935.

Scope: Applies to tribal areas in Assam, Meghalaya, Tripura, and Mizoram.

Constitutional Basis: Provided under Article 244 (2) and Article 275 (1) of the Indian Constitution.

Purpose: Safeguards tribal rights and autonomy through Autonomous District Councils (ADCs).

Powers of ADCs:

Legislation: Authority to enact laws on land, forest, inheritance, and tribal customs.

Revenue: Can collect land revenues and certain taxes.

Governance: ADCs function like mini-states, with powers in legislature, executive, and judiciary within their areas.

Governance Authority: The Governor has the power to organize, re-organize, and define the boundaries of autonomous districts.

Division of Districts: If multiple tribes exist within a district, the Governor can divide it into autonomous regions.

Composition: Each autonomous district has a district council with 30 members:

Four members nominated by the Governor.

Twenty-six members elected through adult franchise for a five-year term.

Regional Councils: Each autonomous region also has a separate regional council.

Administrative Powers: District and regional councils administer their respective areas and can establish village councils or courts for tribal suits and cases, including hearing appeals.

Jurisdiction: The jurisdiction of high courts over these suits and cases is specified by the Governor.


GS-2 Governance & Social Justice

GS -3 Infrastructure, Security & Economic Development


At a high-level meeting on Saturday, Union Home Minister Amit Shah reviewed the "Vibrant Villages Programme," which aims to develop infrastructure and promote tourism in villages along the China border.


Develop infrastructure in border villages

Open villages along the China border to tourists

Provide employment opportunities to local people

Increase connectivity to prevent migration


Centrally sponsored scheme from Union Budget 2022-23 (to 2025-26) for developing northern border villages.

Covers Himachal Pradesh, Uttarakhand, Arunachal Pradesh, Sikkim, and Ladakh.

2,963 villages included; 663 covered in the first phase.

Vibrant Village Action Plans by district administration and Gram Panchayats.

No overlap with Border Area Development Programme

Centrally sponsored scheme from Union Budget 2022-23 (to 2025-26) for developing northern border villages.

Covers Himachal Pradesh, Uttarakhand, Arunachal Pradesh, Sikkim, and Ladakh.


Develop border areas to meet special needs of remote, inaccessible regions near international borders.

Managed by the Ministry of Home Affairs.

Executed by state governments.





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