

12 July, 2024 APSC Syllabus

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General Studies I - 250 Marks (Indian History, Heritage, Culture and Society and Geography of the India and World)


i. Indian culture shall cover the salient aspects of Art Forms, Literature and Architecture from ancient to modern times.



Prehistoric Rock Paintings

Cave Paintings: Ajanta, Elora, Bagh, Leepakshi, Sittanavasal

Mural Paintings, Miniature Paintings

Mughal School, Eastern India (Pala School)

Rajasthani Painting: Malwa, Mewar, Bundi, Kisangarh, Marwar, Bikaner

Pahari Painting: Basoli, Kangra, Guler, Kallu

Folk Painting: Madhubani, Warli, Pattachitra, Kalighat, Kalamkari, Kalamezhuthu, Thangka, Manjusa, Phad, Mithila


Visual Art

Sculpture of Harappan Civilization, Mauryan Age, Post-Mauryan Age Jain Sculptures, Buddhist sculptures, Medieval school of Sculptures, Modern Indian Sculptures



String Puppet, Shadow Puppet, Glove Puppet,  Modern Puppetry, Tribal Puppetry Pottery- Ochre Colored Pottery,  (OCP), Black and Red Ware (BRW), Northern Black Polished Ware (NBPW),Painted Grey Ware (PGW)



Classical Dances, Folk Dances, Mudras, 



Classical music, Folk music



Vedas, Upanisads, Puranas

Ancient Buddhist  & Jain Literature

Early Dravidian Literature

Medieval Literature

Modern Indian Literature


Indian Philosophy

Astik: Mimansa, Samkhya, Yoga, Nyaya, Purva Mimansa, Vedanta

Nastik: Buddhism, Jainism, Charvaka

Buddhism & Jainism: Types, Characteristics

Sikhism: Gurus, Holy Places

Bhakti-Sufi Movements: Shankara, Ramanuja, Madhava, Basava, Ramananda, Kabir, Guru Nanak, Dadu Dayal, Sri Chaitanya, Shankardeva, Surdas, Mirabai, Eknath, Jnaneswar, Tukaram, Haridas


Tribes and Festivals                                  

Cultural and social aspects of ancient and medieval Indian tribes, including Indus Valley Civilization, Vedic Period, Mahajanapadas, Maurya Empire, Gupta Period, and more

Focus on social, economic, religious, and political life



Harappan Architecture

Mauryan Architecture

Post-Mauryan & Gupta Period (Temple, Cave)

Medieval and Indo-Islamic Architecture 

Contribution of Buddhism & Jainism to the development of Indian Architecture

Colonial Architecture & Modern Architecture- (European Influence, Indo- Saracenic Architecture)

Rock-cut Architecture – South Indian, Western Indian, Eastern India


ii. Modern Indian history from about the middle of the eighteenth century until the present- significant events, personalities, issues


Important Modern History Events Before 1857- Advent of Europeans, later Mughals, Regional powers, Carnatic Wars, Battle of Plassey & Buxar, Anglo-Mysore War, Anglo-Punjab Wars, 


Revolt of 1857- Causes, leaders, suppression, Act of Good Governance 1858


 iii. The Freedom Struggle - its various stages and important contributors /contributions from different parts of the country.

Growth of Nationalism in India (1858-1905)- Role of Western Education, Role of Press, Political, Economic & Administrative Unification of the Country, Formation of INC, Role of Moderates

Economic Impact of British Rules - Destruction of Traditional economies, Impoverishments of peasantry , Landlordism , Agriculture, Modern Industries, New social class , Poverty, Famine, Drain of Wealth

Growth of Militant Nationalism & Revolutionary Activities (1905-1918)-  Swadeshi Movement, Surat split, Morley-Minto Reforms, Growth of Communalism,

Beginning of Mass Nationalism (1919-1939)- Arrival of M.K Gandhi- His ideas & leadership, Montagu-Chelmsford Reforms, Rowlatt Act, Satgyagraha & Jallianwala Bagh Massacre,Non-Cooperation & Khilafat Movement, Swarajist & No-Changers, Emergence of New forces- Socialistic ideals, Youth & Trade Unionism, Revolutionary Activity, Simon Commission & Nehru Report, Civil Disobedience Movement, Round Table Conference, Communal Pact & Poona Pact, Participation in elections to Central Legislature (1934) and Provincial Assemblies (1937), Government of India Act, 1935

Towards Freedom & Partition (1939-1947)-National movement during WWII , Individual satyagraha, Communalism, Peasant Movements, Cripps Mission, Quit India Movement, Wavell Plan, INA & Subhash Chandra Bose, Cabinet Mission, Nationalist Upsurge Post World War-II, Independence with Partition

Peasant Movements- Sanyasi rebellion , Paika Rebellion , Velu Thampi Movement , Ramosi Movement , Fairazi Movement, Wahabi Movement , Pagal Panthi Movement, Kuka movement, Indigo revolt, Pabna movement, Deccan riots, Eka movement, Mopilla rebellion, Bardoli satyagraha, All Indian kisan congress, Tebhaga movement, Baksht land movement, Other

Tribal Movements - Chuar uprising , Bhill uprising, Kolis, Khasis, Singphos, Kols, Khonds, Santhal , Munda Others 

Important Personalities- M.K. Gandhi, J. Nehru, B.Ambedkar and S C Bose, M N Roy, S A Dange, P C Joshi, J P Narayan, Acharya Narayan Dev, L L Rai, B C Pal, Bal Gangadhar Tilak, Sarojini Naidu, Annie Basant, Bikaji Cama, Kamladevi Chattopadhyay, Motilal Nehru, Chittaranjan Das, Aurobindo Ghosh, Bagha Jatin, Other Important Personalities    


iv. Post-independence consolidation and reorganization within the country.


Nation Building – Partition & its aftermath, Integration of Princely states, reorganisation of states, issue of official language, Tribal Consolidation, Regional aspirations

Foreign Policy- Non-Aligned Movement, Panchaheel, Wars with Pakistand & China, Nuclear Policy

Economy- Planned Development, Green Revolution, Operation Flood & Cooperatives, Agrarian & Land Reforms, Industrial Reforms, LPG Reforms

Polity- Era of one-party dominance, emergence of Opposition parties, Emergency: crisis of Democratic order, Rise of  regional parties, Coalition era

Social- Popular Movements, Communalism, Issue of women and evolution of Women Movement, Naxalism


v. Salient features of Indian Society, Diversity of India.

Insights into the diverse aspects of Indian society, including social stratification, diversity, Unity, Pluralism, Inequality and Exclusion, Family System


vi. Role of women and women’s organization, population and associated issues, poverty and developmental issues, urbanization, their problems and their remedies.

19th Century Social Reform Movements and Early Women’s Organisations; Women participations in Agrarian struggles, Revolt and Freedom Struggle

Women’s organisations (with examples)

Challenges & Remedies

Sex ratio 

Women in society

Role of SHGs, Micro Finance Institution


Population & associated issues – Demography of India, Population trend in India and it’s impact, causes & affects of over-population and its challenges, Demographic dividend,  India’s Population Policy & Initiatives


Poverty – Concept of Development & Poverty, Measurement of Poverty- Poverty line, Causes, Consequences, Problems of rising poverty,


Urbanisation & it’s problems and their remedies-  Definition, Urbanisation trends in India and their implications- Demographic and Social Dimensions, Factors driving Urbanisation, Problems & Remedies, Urban Planning and Role of Urban Local Bodies (ULBs), Problems of Slums


vii. Effects of Globalization on Indian society.


Homogenisation vs. Glocalisation

Globalisation & India

Impact of Globalisation on India- Socio-cultural, economic, on women, agrarian sector etc


Social empowerment, Communalism, Regionalism & Secularism.


Social Empowerment- Definition of Social Empowerment, Socially Disadvantaged Groups, Dimensions, Government Initiatives to aid Social Empowerment

Communalism- Definition & its characteristics, Communalism in India’s past and in contemporary India, Causes of Communalism, Consequences, Measures to control & eradicate Communalism

Regionalism- Definition , Different forms of Regionalism, Causes, Concept of ‘Sons of soil’, Consequences, Federalism & Regionalism, Role of Regional Parties.

Secularism- Definition, Indian model of Secularism, Secularism in India, Nature and Practice of Secularism in India, Uniform Civil Code, Challenges, Measures to make India truly secular.


Salient Features of India’s and World's Physical Geography. 

  • Origin and Evolution of the Earth



  • Interior of the Earth
  • Distribution of Continents & Oceans
  • Plate Tectonic Theory
  • Distribution of Earthquakes and Volcanoes
  • Rocks and Rocks cycle
  • Geomorphic Processes- Endogenic & Exogenic
  • Landforms & their evolution



Hydrological Cycle

Seafloor spreading

Ocean Floor Configuration

Temperature & Salinity of Oceans

Waves, Tides, Currents      



Composition and Structure of Earth's Atmosphere

Solar Radiation, Heat Distribution, and Temperature

Circulation of the Atmosphere and Weather Patterns

Examples of World Climates


Soil Geography

Soil Composition and Contents

Formation of Soil

Factors Influencing Soil Formation

Examples of Soil Types

Soil Erosion and Conservation Methods


x. Distribution of key natural resources across the world (including South Asia and the Indian sub-continent)


Resource Types: Origin, Ownership, Exhaustibility

Land Resources: Utilization, Patterns, Degradation and Conservation

Forest Resources: Types, Distribution, Depletion Causes, Conservation

Water Resources: Marine and Freshwater, Scarcity, Integrated Management

Agricultural Resources: Farming Types, Cropping Patterns, Economic Impact, Food Security

Mineral and Energy Resources: Classification and Conservation of Minerals; Energy Resources - Conventional and Non-Conventional


Factors responsible for the location of primary, secondary, and tertiary sector industries in various parts of the world (including India)


Industrial Location Factors: Influence of Raw Material, Labor, Market, Capital, Incentives, and Infrastructure on Industry Placement

Industry Classification and Distribution: Major Industries like Iron & Steel, IT, and Cotton Textile; Types of Industries including Agglomerated and Footloose


Important Geophysical phenomena such as earthquakes, Tsunami, Volcanic activity, cyclone etc., geographical features and their location- changes in critical geographical features (including water-bodies and ice-caps) and in flora and fauna and the effects of such changes."



Causes of Earthquakes

Earthquake Waves and Shadow Zones

Earthquake Types and Measurement

Earthquake Effects

Tsunamis: Causes, Effects, and Mitigation



Volcano Types

Causes of Volcanic Activity

Volcanic Landforms: Intrusive and Extrusive

Volcano Distribution



Tropical, Anti-Cyclone, and Extra-Tropical Cyclones


Changing Geographical Features:

Causes of Changes in Geographical Features

Examples: Ice Sheet Melting, Desertification

Impact of Geographical Changes


Physical Geography of India:

Physiography, Drainage, Climate, Soils, and Natural Vegetation


Human Geography:

Demographics, Urbanization, and Census Data


Economic Geography:

Agriculture, Minerals, Energy, Industry, Transport, and Communication



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